Bombers Full Cheek Elliptical Lock Up
Key Features
The Full Cheek cheekpiece will prevent pinching on the sides of the mouth, and the extended pins above and below the bit, firstly prevent the bit being pulled through the mouth and secondly aid guiding the horse’s head which is great for schooling purposes. As with the Eggbutt, the release is slower than the loose ring and also introduces light poll pressure.
The Elliptical Lock Up is a double break bit with a “locked” lozenge in the center. It is stronger than the Control Plate due to it having a smaller surface area. Consequently, a horse using his tongue as a means of pushing against the bit. Therefore taking control, will draw back and tuck his chin in, coming back to a better point of control.
By Locking up the Elliptical joint, it removes any nutcracker action, meaning it will bear less pressure on the horse’s bars.